What do we do, what do we say, where do we go…? These are questions of every day life. So many times I have done things, not thinking or just really not be prepared. Just going and doing! Even some times on a good day, I did think a little bit, then did. You know what,
some times that’s a good thing, but sometimes it still just doesn’t work out and I’m back thinking, “What was I thinking”. Or was I thinking at all. Please tell me that I’m not the only one and not just me and my boys. Well I think that girls might be struggling with the same thing.
As I was reading in the old testament, I became aware of an important principle all Christians should do; also it is affirmed in the new testament. When King David was telling his son Solomon, let’s call it fatherly advice, in 1 Chronicles 22:12 “Only the Lord give thee wisdom and understanding, and give thee charge concerning Israel, that thou mayest keep the law of the Lord thy God.” Wisdom and understanding from the Lord. Now most of us heard, read…about Solomon’s wisdom. But did we recognize where it came from? 2 Chronicles 1:7-12 tell us the story of Solomon’s great wisdom and knowledge. To some it up, God appeared to Solomon, asked him what He (God) can give Solomon. So Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge, which God gives and more.
Now let’s move ahead in time to the year 2010, 40 years ago couldn’t imagine being living in 2010. It was so far off. But here we are, the year 2010 and guess what? We still find ourselves in need of wisdom and knowledge; even for everyday life. So what do we do? O.K. can I be real (up front, honest) when I answer? A lot of times we fall into the ways of the world. There’s things acceptable today that 40 years ago, we would not even think of doing. That it just became part of society as o.k. in their/our thinking. But as believers God’s wisdom and knowledge is the way we should seek. But you ask, How do we seek it? How do we get it? Now the new testament verse, James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” We just need to ask! And ask God!