This Sunday will be Easter Sunday! A day of great rejoicing for Christians. A day that a lot of people will think a little bit about God. A day that a lot of people will recognize it as a religious day. A day that some people will recognize it as a special day, maybe a holiday. Also a day that a lot of people will not recognize it as any thing special, it’s just another day what’s the fuss. Yes, there will be more people not going to church this important day than do. And more and more don’t even want to have anything to do with Easter and what it means, other than an easter egg hunt maybe or the giving of easter candy.
Maybe I should’ve wrote this last week, to encourage you to invite friends…to Easter morning services. Let them hear the word of God and the gospel message from Pastor Paul, Pastor Dave, Pastor Joel, Pastor Mac and….Let them hear Christian praise music, that might impact them. Maybe someone will talk to them and show them the way, point them to Jesus and maybe even lead them to following Jesus. After all there is sun rise service, that is special. Then a breakfast now that is special. Then a special service after that and finally the regular service that will also be special. It’s Easter Sunday of course it will be special it’s a land mark day for us as believers.
Now you may think, where is he going from here? Alright 2 things, the first is that we as Christians need to be excited about not only those land mark Christian holidays; but excited about every Sunday. Remember it’s super Sunday! Yes it’s o.k. to look forward to Easter….but not to look at the other Sundays as boring. Each Sunday you have the opportunity to worship our God and King; with fellow believers. To lift His name on high….it’s about worshipping Him.
The second point being that every day we should be a witness of our Lord Jesus Christ. That people should see or know that you are different and have an idea why. That you would feel comfortable inviting them to church or directing to an other church no matter what Sunday it is. That our God can work what ever day it is. It doesn’t have to be this big special service, it can be just a regular service, a bible study, faith group…or just some Christian talking; proclaiming Jesus. After all, God is the one who calls and saves we just share the good news.
Memory verses are the same as last week.
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