Rain, rain go away and come back some other day! Do you ever remember saying that? Even this week with all the rain, it might be nice to say that. But what day would you want to get all that flooding rain? Like we can have a choice. For some of us this rain is just an inconvenience, for others harder work and for others maybe a disaster. Bring it on another day may make things worst…who knows. Well for us the rain is here and our life will go on and yes we may get wet or more. Hopefully none of us will suffer greatly.
Now as believers how does this rain affect you? How does bad weather…(other things that cause hardship) in your life affect you? Are you one to wake up, see the rain and there goes your countenance and your mood changes. Depending on the circumstances, how much of a change there will be and how much you will let the world know. Even some of us want everyone else to share some of this mood you are in or at least really know about it; and sometimes really to know about it. You know what I mean? There is a fine line about talking about, things, verses crossing the “line” where we are in a mood that is not becoming of our Christian walk.
There are 2 things I want to point out. The first would have to be with our looks, attitude and the second is our speech, complaining. You can affect people with just the way you look; you know that disgusted, not happy… look. Also we can affect people with our complaining, in various ways. You know sometimes we don’t even realize we are doing it, the look or complaining. It sometimes becomes natural in situations. The verse we need to make part of our lives is, Phil. 2:14 -15 “Do all things without grumbling or complaining; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as light in the world.” It deals with the verbal (beginning) and the so called, look, at the end. Let’s shine for our Lord.
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