As we go through life we experience many things. We even have questions about God, about Jesus...religion...Then for some reason we have questions about this word, sin. A word that just popped up. Now when we talk about sin we think of bad deeds...or even thinking of the meaning of the word sin- missing the mark. In our story of Cain and Abel we are at Gen.4:7 God talking to Cain, "If you do well will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it." Cain had just missed the mark. The mark of bringing first "fruits" if you will. Cain became angry and his countenance fell. Was it while he brought the offering or was it after when God had no regards? The reason I ask, is that for us we sometimes know we are missing the mark but we still continue. But there are those times when we are trying...we think we are doing it right...then we find out we were doing it wrong.
What I want us to see here is that Abel hit the mark, when he gave an offering. God accepted it...regarded it, and Abel felt that acceptance of God. Let me use the word, fellowship, Abel still had fellowship with God a good fellowship. Now Cain on the other hand missed the mark, sinned. Sin is at the door, it is here for Cain, it has entered in. When we do those deeds, things, actions, or thinking...that misses the mark, sin has enters in. It is there in our house...we might not think so...but it is there. God is telling Cain a basic truth if you do well...if you do not do well sin enters in. Look at yourself Cain, anger...your countenance, fallen. These are signs of sin. You must deal with them, do what is right...Go back and correct the matter. Humble yourself admit the wrong and do what is right. You see God even way back here and before (Adam and Eve) is making a way for us to be in the right with Him. Now sin has a desire, a desire to consume us. Let's face it, sin is wanting for us to commit more and more. Sometimes it seems like it grows. But us the redeemed must acknowledge when we miss the mark to God, through His son Jesus Christ. Last week we mentioned not giving of the "first". But sin can involves a whole lot. Let us humble ourselves before our God in these areas...
staystrong standstrong bestrong staystrong2 standing strong spiritual warfare fighting the battle Psalm 23
Monday, December 12, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Are you doing well?
For Adam and Eve, there was a little push to commit that first sin. That is the serpent talked them into it...Last week we talked about the consequences of sin. Well with this eating of the "apple" there was also one big thing that happened; the knowledge of good and evil. Well the knowledge of good we can handle, but the knowledge of evil, that is totally different for us. Here is where we all get into trouble. It's true! How many times do we find ourselves thinking bad things? Then we do those bad things or some of that bad things or wish that some of the bad things will happen. Have you ever had your mind wander...and then you are thinking how did I start thinking those evil things. Well it is also tied into the first sin.
Adam and Eve are now out of the garden of Eden and are now on the "Earth". It is different not the same as being in the garden. There is work, sweat, pain...but the biggest thing is that there is no longer walks with God in the evening. Sin does that, it puts a barrier between God and us. Does that mean that God does not want to talk to us? No, it means that He talks to us differently. In our story we have Adam and Eve out of the garden and having 2 sons, Cain and Able. Gen. 4. Now our story goes like this; the 2 brothers bring an offering to God and God has regards for one of the offerings (Abel's) but the other He had no regards (Cain's). Two offerings; we could look at this as strictly teaching...going into what the meanings are... But that will take a long time...And to tell the truth I am not that good of a bible teacher. So with that we will have a narrow focus if you will.
Gen. 4:3-5 "So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruit of the ground. Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering; but for Cain and his offering He had no regard. So Cain became very angry and his countenance fell."
What I want us to notice here is that Cain bought an offering of fruit and that Abel bought firstling. Or the first. You see God want from us the first fruits if you will. He wants the first. Not the leftovers...Now that has a lot of meaning. Alright, now this may hurt a little but this is what God expects. He is to be first. He is first...So for us that means we must put Him in first place. That is in our personal world, our ways, our thinking...that God is of the utmost. When He said He wants of our first fruits...we give them to Him. When it comes to our ways...we follow His ways...When it comes to service we put our first strengths...When it comes to time, our time, we honor Him first. When it comes to following Gods rules...we follow. Now this is an important concept; that God comes first in everything. That when we do anything for God it has to be of the "first". God is not impressed with the leftovers...He is not impressed with us doing things different from what He has set; even if in our modern times, when it seems better. When it comes to worship, we worship Him. When it comes to thanks for things being done... we thank Him, for He is the one Who does and provides... So guys this is hard! So God first, Including His son and the Holy Spirit. Family next, with our wives taking the lead. Others are next...So many times we get in "trouble" because our priorities are mixed up. Sometimes, We get in trouble because we think that our priorities are right but we are not giving the right amount(money, time, service...) in the right proportion. We cut back in areas...Less time with God. Doing less for our wives and family. Let's face it, it is not easy to be last! We all want to be first or we even might settle for second place. But the truth of the matter is that we are not even third... God had no regard for Cain's offering and we focused on the word, first, that it was not his first fruits. So Cain had a reaction to the way God disregarded his offering. Two things: the first was anger and the second his countenance fallen. When we fall short of something I guess this is what happens. If we are real with our selves we can say, yes this is what happens. Now God sees this in Cain; Gen. 4:6-7a "Then the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up?" God does ask us the same questions today when He sees us angry...So what do we do, we have a choice or choices to make. We can correct the matter and give of the first. Lifting up God, so He can lift us up. So when need be let us all go back and make it right.
Adam and Eve are now out of the garden of Eden and are now on the "Earth". It is different not the same as being in the garden. There is work, sweat, pain...but the biggest thing is that there is no longer walks with God in the evening. Sin does that, it puts a barrier between God and us. Does that mean that God does not want to talk to us? No, it means that He talks to us differently. In our story we have Adam and Eve out of the garden and having 2 sons, Cain and Able. Gen. 4. Now our story goes like this; the 2 brothers bring an offering to God and God has regards for one of the offerings (Abel's) but the other He had no regards (Cain's). Two offerings; we could look at this as strictly teaching...going into what the meanings are... But that will take a long time...And to tell the truth I am not that good of a bible teacher. So with that we will have a narrow focus if you will.
Gen. 4:3-5 "So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruit of the ground. Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering; but for Cain and his offering He had no regard. So Cain became very angry and his countenance fell."
What I want us to notice here is that Cain bought an offering of fruit and that Abel bought firstling. Or the first. You see God want from us the first fruits if you will. He wants the first. Not the leftovers...Now that has a lot of meaning. Alright, now this may hurt a little but this is what God expects. He is to be first. He is first...So for us that means we must put Him in first place. That is in our personal world, our ways, our thinking...that God is of the utmost. When He said He wants of our first fruits...we give them to Him. When it comes to our ways...we follow His ways...When it comes to service we put our first strengths...When it comes to time, our time, we honor Him first. When it comes to following Gods rules...we follow. Now this is an important concept; that God comes first in everything. That when we do anything for God it has to be of the "first". God is not impressed with the leftovers...He is not impressed with us doing things different from what He has set; even if in our modern times, when it seems better. When it comes to worship, we worship Him. When it comes to thanks for things being done... we thank Him, for He is the one Who does and provides... So guys this is hard! So God first, Including His son and the Holy Spirit. Family next, with our wives taking the lead. Others are next...So many times we get in "trouble" because our priorities are mixed up. Sometimes, We get in trouble because we think that our priorities are right but we are not giving the right amount(money, time, service...) in the right proportion. We cut back in areas...Less time with God. Doing less for our wives and family. Let's face it, it is not easy to be last! We all want to be first or we even might settle for second place. But the truth of the matter is that we are not even third... God had no regard for Cain's offering and we focused on the word, first, that it was not his first fruits. So Cain had a reaction to the way God disregarded his offering. Two things: the first was anger and the second his countenance fallen. When we fall short of something I guess this is what happens. If we are real with our selves we can say, yes this is what happens. Now God sees this in Cain; Gen. 4:6-7a "Then the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up?" God does ask us the same questions today when He sees us angry...So what do we do, we have a choice or choices to make. We can correct the matter and give of the first. Lifting up God, so He can lift us up. So when need be let us all go back and make it right.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Far reaching affects
In Gen. 3:14-24 is recorded the curse and punishment of Adam and Eve sins. Now there is a lot of material here! We will not look at it all, nor will try to go over the prophetic meanings. We will start with a question from verse 13, God speaking, "What is this you have done?". Yes, I know this was said to Eve. Guys when we do this not a valid question for God to ask us also. Remember I said I had to wait till my dad came home? You know we did not have cell phone back then, nor were you able to call work for personal reasons...Dad would see me there in the corner...and I still can hear him say, "What did you do this time." Now if I was smart I would tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Not always the case, excuses...You see after he talked to me my dad would go and talk to mom. Then he would get the rest of the story. Well if the 2 stories we in line with each other, it was better for me(hind sight), if not we had more to deal with. Let's think about that for a minute; how many times when we confess our sins do we not tell the "whole story"... we make light of something...excuses... Can you picture God shaking his heads, you see He knows the rest of the story. Don't try to make light of your wrongs to God.
Now as we move down our text we see God pronouncing "Judgement" on the three. You see the disobedience of eating the "apple" came with a cost, telling or convincing someone to do something wrong...comes with a cost. So God tell them the first part of the cost. One for the serpent, one for Eve (women) and one for Adam (Man). Let's just deal with the man and the women. For women verse 16, "I will greatly multiply your pain in child birth. In pain you will bring forth children yet your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you." For the man verse 17-18, "Cursed is the ground because of you, in toil you will eat of it all of your life. "Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; and you will eat the plants of the field; By the sweat of your face you will eat bread, Till you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken; for you are dust, And to dust you shall return." Now these things are still in place today. There are pain, toil, sweat, issues of authority and physical death (Gen.2:17). But also look what else happens. We have God providing skins for clothes, a few devotional in it's self, and God sent them out of the garden of Eden. Not only did He send them out, He also made provisions that man would not be able come back by himself.
What we must recognize is that there is always a price to sin. That sin affects more than you and God. In our verses above we can see that Adams and Eves sin even affect us today. Our sins affect our spouse, our children, our friends, our co-workers, our community...and our sins have far reaching affects into the future. This is a hard concept to grasp, how can it be? Think about it, if you are older and have children, do they not do the same or similar wrongful deeds. As a dad I can see the struggles my boys have, for the most part they are the same ones I struggled with. ( Look at the verse at the end).
One commits murder it affects God, the one murdered, his family, his children, his friends, the community... A married man commits adultery with his eyes, looking, it affects his relationship with his wife...even his relationship with his children... A young man does the same thing it reaches into the future to affect his marriage. Think about it, sin has far reaching affects. Hopefully seeing this reality of sin will give us all a push to bring them(sins) to God. Not only for forgiveness, but repentance; the turning away from sin. You see we need God's forgiveness, through Jesus Christ, but we also need His strength to help us not to sin. To break the bonds of sin that presses on us, that one sin or sins that just keeps popping up. The one's that are hard to stop, even when we are trying hard not to do them. We need the help of our Lord.
Exodus 20:5 "You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and fourth generation of those who hate me."
Now as we move down our text we see God pronouncing "Judgement" on the three. You see the disobedience of eating the "apple" came with a cost, telling or convincing someone to do something wrong...comes with a cost. So God tell them the first part of the cost. One for the serpent, one for Eve (women) and one for Adam (Man). Let's just deal with the man and the women. For women verse 16, "I will greatly multiply your pain in child birth. In pain you will bring forth children yet your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you." For the man verse 17-18, "Cursed is the ground because of you, in toil you will eat of it all of your life. "Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; and you will eat the plants of the field; By the sweat of your face you will eat bread, Till you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken; for you are dust, And to dust you shall return." Now these things are still in place today. There are pain, toil, sweat, issues of authority and physical death (Gen.2:17). But also look what else happens. We have God providing skins for clothes, a few devotional in it's self, and God sent them out of the garden of Eden. Not only did He send them out, He also made provisions that man would not be able come back by himself.
What we must recognize is that there is always a price to sin. That sin affects more than you and God. In our verses above we can see that Adams and Eves sin even affect us today. Our sins affect our spouse, our children, our friends, our co-workers, our community...and our sins have far reaching affects into the future. This is a hard concept to grasp, how can it be? Think about it, if you are older and have children, do they not do the same or similar wrongful deeds. As a dad I can see the struggles my boys have, for the most part they are the same ones I struggled with. ( Look at the verse at the end).
One commits murder it affects God, the one murdered, his family, his children, his friends, the community... A married man commits adultery with his eyes, looking, it affects his relationship with his wife...even his relationship with his children... A young man does the same thing it reaches into the future to affect his marriage. Think about it, sin has far reaching affects. Hopefully seeing this reality of sin will give us all a push to bring them(sins) to God. Not only for forgiveness, but repentance; the turning away from sin. You see we need God's forgiveness, through Jesus Christ, but we also need His strength to help us not to sin. To break the bonds of sin that presses on us, that one sin or sins that just keeps popping up. The one's that are hard to stop, even when we are trying hard not to do them. We need the help of our Lord.
Exodus 20:5 "You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and fourth generation of those who hate me."
Monday, November 21, 2011
Blame- excuses
Now when I was young and did something mother would put me in the corner and say these famous words, "Wait till your father gets home." I tell you, time seems to stand still while you are waiting for your father to come home to deal with the situation. You think about a lot of things while you are waiting like that, fear is a big thing, shame is a big thing. The disappointment of dad and what will he do? Why did I do that? What was I thinking, was I thinking? What am I going to say ...or tell dad?
In our text we have the account of Adam and Eve coming before God. Gen.3 :11-13 "And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree which I commanded you not to eat?" The man said, "The women You gave to with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate." Then the Lord said to the women, "What is this you have done?" And the woman said, "the serpent deceived me, and I ate."
When you are waiting for dad you think about a lot of things or even in situations alike. We think of things to explain how there was a reason why I, we did what I, we did. For the most part it was that something or someone...made me or pushed me, caused me...into doing that bad act or even deceived me. Isn't that true? We even do that as adults. We try to blame someone else or something else. That it was _____or ______that caused the problem...and guess what, as a result I, we are not the problem... Did you notice that Adam tried it and then Eve tried it too. It is not easy to say that we are wrong...really think about it. It is hard to totally admit our faults, short comings...never mind admitting wrongful actions... Let's face it we are good at the blame game. Think about it, were did we learn how to do it so well! We even do the excuse thing too! It seems so natural, isn't it?
I remember when I was a young man working, a situation that happened to my boss. Well his boss was upset about what another worker done...Well my boss replied to his boss, "Sir, it is my fault I told him to do it that way." You see I'm not sure if he was a Christian or not, but he did know how to take responsibility for his actions and decisions...the right way. He admitted. I know same old thing, go to the Father admit those things to be the name of His son Jesus. Admit them the right way! Don't do the blame thing or the excuse thing...Take 100% of the blame for all your actions.
In our text we have the account of Adam and Eve coming before God. Gen.3 :11-13 "And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree which I commanded you not to eat?" The man said, "The women You gave to with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate." Then the Lord said to the women, "What is this you have done?" And the woman said, "the serpent deceived me, and I ate."
When you are waiting for dad you think about a lot of things or even in situations alike. We think of things to explain how there was a reason why I, we did what I, we did. For the most part it was that something or someone...made me or pushed me, caused me...into doing that bad act or even deceived me. Isn't that true? We even do that as adults. We try to blame someone else or something else. That it was _____or ______that caused the problem...and guess what, as a result I, we are not the problem... Did you notice that Adam tried it and then Eve tried it too. It is not easy to say that we are wrong...really think about it. It is hard to totally admit our faults, short comings...never mind admitting wrongful actions... Let's face it we are good at the blame game. Think about it, were did we learn how to do it so well! We even do the excuse thing too! It seems so natural, isn't it?
I remember when I was a young man working, a situation that happened to my boss. Well his boss was upset about what another worker done...Well my boss replied to his boss, "Sir, it is my fault I told him to do it that way." You see I'm not sure if he was a Christian or not, but he did know how to take responsibility for his actions and decisions...the right way. He admitted. I know same old thing, go to the Father admit those things to be the name of His son Jesus. Admit them the right way! Don't do the blame thing or the excuse thing...Take 100% of the blame for all your actions.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Are you looking small?
Last week we used the word shame to talk about the first reaction to eating of the "apple". But there is another word that fits here as well, guilt. You see eating of the "apple" gave us as mankind knowledge...of good and evil, but it also was the first act of disobedience against God. Which brings about guilt. Now let's talk about what guilt is for a bit. Guilt is the fact of one committing an offense or a breach of conduct. For example violating a law. But an important part of guilt is that the conduct...that one has done also involves a penalty. Now, when we sin against God this penalty will be enforced and/or has to be paid.
Let's give example of guilt that will help us understand the feeling of guilt. Have you ever been pulled over by a police officer? Or seen some one pulled over? Most times the person is trying to look "small" when cars drive by; it is something that we don't want others to see...we have done something wrong and don't want others to know or see. Let's face it sin is not something we want others to know also brings about guilt; you get the ticket to pay. Really deep down all of us would rather be in right standings, happy...versus being guilty for doing wrong actions; paying...
Now for Adam and Eve sin brings about guilt, which brings about the reaction of hiding, because of fear. Let's look at Gen.3: 10 "He said, I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself." Guilt brings about fear. So for us adults we have to really think about this, for the most part we have our lives so ordered that when we do something...we somewhat know the penalty, consequences...(we think). Then sometimes we take the risk based on our willingness to take the penalty...or even hope or think that there is no penalty...remember because no one sees. When we were young, real young and we did something wrong, can you remember, there was the guilt and then the fear. What is dad and mom going to think or do? Do you remember those days? Well, guess what, just because we are older does not mean that the emotions/ reaction...that we display because of guilt goes away. We may be able to mask them...but deep down they are still there. Again have you gone to Jesus to take care of business?
Let's give example of guilt that will help us understand the feeling of guilt. Have you ever been pulled over by a police officer? Or seen some one pulled over? Most times the person is trying to look "small" when cars drive by; it is something that we don't want others to see...we have done something wrong and don't want others to know or see. Let's face it sin is not something we want others to know also brings about guilt; you get the ticket to pay. Really deep down all of us would rather be in right standings, happy...versus being guilty for doing wrong actions; paying...
Now for Adam and Eve sin brings about guilt, which brings about the reaction of hiding, because of fear. Let's look at Gen.3: 10 "He said, I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself." Guilt brings about fear. So for us adults we have to really think about this, for the most part we have our lives so ordered that when we do something...we somewhat know the penalty, consequences...(we think). Then sometimes we take the risk based on our willingness to take the penalty...or even hope or think that there is no penalty...remember because no one sees. When we were young, real young and we did something wrong, can you remember, there was the guilt and then the fear. What is dad and mom going to think or do? Do you remember those days? Well, guess what, just because we are older does not mean that the emotions/ reaction...that we display because of guilt goes away. We may be able to mask them...but deep down they are still there. Again have you gone to Jesus to take care of business?
Monday, November 7, 2011
The big cover up
Now back to our study in Gen. 3
Gen.3:8 "Then they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees." Last week we talked about the "shame" of our bodies... that sin has brought about. If only that was the only thing that happens when we sin. The next thing that is that the man and women hid themselves. They tried to hide from God. What foolishness, hiding from God! A God who sees everything...You see we still do the same thing today. We try to hide our sin; we think that no one is watching...We look over our see if anyone is looking...then we do our thing. Let's be real; isn't that true of us? Sometimes we think that as long as no one else knows, I'm ok. We rationalize in our minds that God doesn't know...because we don't see Him...
You see doing wrong, breaking God's law...the things we call sin, brings about shame and guilt. Look at what Adam and Eve try to do. First they try to cover it up(fig leaves). Knowing that, that did not work, they tried to hide. Guess what that does not work either. You know, don't we do the same things today. We hide our sins...Or we even try to cover them up, try to make things right by doing good deeds...Sometimes we even try to rationalize them away...Sometimes we even forget that sin has a price. " surely you will die." Gen.2:17. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
What do we do when we find ourselves in this way of having committed "sin". Do we cover it up...Hide...Pretend that it's not real...Forget about it...Well let me tell you, I think that I have done all those things, even believing for a little while that one worked here and there. But guess what, it did not. There is only one way to deal with "sin". Yes, only one way. For there is only one way that works. That is to ask forgiveness, of God and then men if need be. 1John 1:9 " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." James 5:16a "Therefore confess your sins one to another and pray for one another, that you may be healed." Forgiveness of God; what cleansing...forgiveness of men, what healing. It's true! True God what a powerful thing what cleansing, also forgiveness of men what healing it brings.
Gen.3:8 "Then they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees." Last week we talked about the "shame" of our bodies... that sin has brought about. If only that was the only thing that happens when we sin. The next thing that is that the man and women hid themselves. They tried to hide from God. What foolishness, hiding from God! A God who sees everything...You see we still do the same thing today. We try to hide our sin; we think that no one is watching...We look over our see if anyone is looking...then we do our thing. Let's be real; isn't that true of us? Sometimes we think that as long as no one else knows, I'm ok. We rationalize in our minds that God doesn't know...because we don't see Him...
You see doing wrong, breaking God's law...the things we call sin, brings about shame and guilt. Look at what Adam and Eve try to do. First they try to cover it up(fig leaves). Knowing that, that did not work, they tried to hide. Guess what that does not work either. You know, don't we do the same things today. We hide our sins...Or we even try to cover them up, try to make things right by doing good deeds...Sometimes we even try to rationalize them away...Sometimes we even forget that sin has a price. " surely you will die." Gen.2:17. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
What do we do when we find ourselves in this way of having committed "sin". Do we cover it up...Hide...Pretend that it's not real...Forget about it...Well let me tell you, I think that I have done all those things, even believing for a little while that one worked here and there. But guess what, it did not. There is only one way to deal with "sin". Yes, only one way. For there is only one way that works. That is to ask forgiveness, of God and then men if need be. 1John 1:9 " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." James 5:16a "Therefore confess your sins one to another and pray for one another, that you may be healed." Forgiveness of God; what cleansing...forgiveness of men, what healing. It's true! True God what a powerful thing what cleansing, also forgiveness of men what healing it brings.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Stay Strong
So many times we as men get confused as to what is strength? What does strength look like? And even when we figure that out we get confused as to how to use our strength. A few years back this ministry started and then not too long after it was suggested that we have a "name". The basis for this ministry was to help men to be strong in their Christian walk; but not only limiting the ministry to men. So with that I was thinking of be strong, act strong...Well we decided on Stay Strong. hence the Stay Strong Ministry. Not to long after that we heard the song, "Stay Strong", by the News Boys. Which is unofficially the theme song for this ministry. So back to strength, physical strength, being strong physically, muscles. Mental strength, being strong in thinking. In life we need both these strengths! Which is of more importance? Well that depends on the circumstance. If you need to move a heavy object that is on you,taking your breathe away well physical. But really you need both. A great football player is not only physically strong but also mentally, thinking...he is able to "read" the offense or defense or even an individual player; then he able to use his physical to the best use.
For us as Christians there is also spiritual strength. We use words like faith, belief...But it is the actual trusting God. That is trusting God to do what He said He will do and for us to do what God tells us to do. So back to our name Stay Strong. It comes from 2 sections of scripture in Joshua. The first being Joshua 1:1-9. Here God tell's Joshua to be strong and courageous in verses 6,7 and 9. But at the same time God is also telling Joshua to obey the law...That is that Joshua strength is in obedience to God's word, not waivering to left or the right. When Joshua is doing His part God works mightily by using Joshua to do great things. Now the next section in Joshua is chapter 24:14-15"Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the river and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for your self today whom you will serve; whether the gods which your father served which were beyong the river or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are liveing; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
You see real strength is to be determined to serve the Lord God no matter what. When things are going smoothly...or in times or great difficulty...real strength is to obey put aside our wants, desires...To stand firm on the word of God. Real strength is being like Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego,in Dan.3 this is were the 3 were to be tossed into the firy furnace. Here is what they answered the king in verses 17-18 "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliever us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliever us out of your hand , O king. But even if He does not, let it be know to you, O King, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up." Now that is strength! Spiritual strength. Someties we need to wait on God...and during that time it is hard not to do things in our own strength...we may even bend the rules a little bit, you know what I mean? Let's not do that any more but instead let us be strong, stay strong trusting and obeying our Lord God and His son Jesus.
For us as Christians there is also spiritual strength. We use words like faith, belief...But it is the actual trusting God. That is trusting God to do what He said He will do and for us to do what God tells us to do. So back to our name Stay Strong. It comes from 2 sections of scripture in Joshua. The first being Joshua 1:1-9. Here God tell's Joshua to be strong and courageous in verses 6,7 and 9. But at the same time God is also telling Joshua to obey the law...That is that Joshua strength is in obedience to God's word, not waivering to left or the right. When Joshua is doing His part God works mightily by using Joshua to do great things. Now the next section in Joshua is chapter 24:14-15"Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the river and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for your self today whom you will serve; whether the gods which your father served which were beyong the river or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are liveing; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
You see real strength is to be determined to serve the Lord God no matter what. When things are going smoothly...or in times or great difficulty...real strength is to obey put aside our wants, desires...To stand firm on the word of God. Real strength is being like Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego,in Dan.3 this is were the 3 were to be tossed into the firy furnace. Here is what they answered the king in verses 17-18 "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliever us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliever us out of your hand , O king. But even if He does not, let it be know to you, O King, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up." Now that is strength! Spiritual strength. Someties we need to wait on God...and during that time it is hard not to do things in our own strength...we may even bend the rules a little bit, you know what I mean? Let's not do that any more but instead let us be strong, stay strong trusting and obeying our Lord God and His son Jesus.
Monday, October 31, 2011
They are different
So the serpent did his work! He was able to get Eve to doubt, wonder...if the word of God was true. She looked at the tree, pondered, it seems good...looked good and will make me wise(let me include the word happy). So she ate and he ate, Adam. That's how it all started for mankind. You know even today we fall for the same trickery...We even do the same things in evaluating...or sometimes we just do without evaluating. We see people who are living a life that isn't right...or doing wrong practices...questionable dealings...drinking....or whatever it might be. But it seems that they are happy...and nothing is happening to them...It may even seem that they are "blessed". So many times when we think of these things we take it to the extremes, we over look the little things that are wrongful...and we think as long as I'm not doing it like so and so or like that degree...
In our text it said that they ate(was it a bite, a taste, a whole apple, how about an apple pie) and their eyes were open. Look at what they first noticed? Nakedness. So they covered themselves. Before they were able to walk around naked, both of them being content... nothing of bad intentions. Now their nakedness brings on a whole different reaction or reactions. That is the reaction of shame. Shame of the difference in their bodies...Not only that the shame at how they probably now are looking at each other's body. Let's face it guys here we would definitely have a hard time. Now this effect of our body difference still comes into play even today. But let's not only see the body difference but there is also that difference in the way we act. That is the male____, "ego", thinking...and the female____, "ego", thinking.... Let's face it we are different! So men we need to understand that! We need to live with our wives in an understanding way. Guess what that means? We need to learn, we need to study...our wives. What are their needs, wants, desires, likes, dislikes and... Just like us men are different from each other our wives are also different from each other. So we as men need to understand his own wife! 1Peter3:7 "Likewise husbands , live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the women as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered."
In our text it said that they ate(was it a bite, a taste, a whole apple, how about an apple pie) and their eyes were open. Look at what they first noticed? Nakedness. So they covered themselves. Before they were able to walk around naked, both of them being content... nothing of bad intentions. Now their nakedness brings on a whole different reaction or reactions. That is the reaction of shame. Shame of the difference in their bodies...Not only that the shame at how they probably now are looking at each other's body. Let's face it guys here we would definitely have a hard time. Now this effect of our body difference still comes into play even today. But let's not only see the body difference but there is also that difference in the way we act. That is the male____, "ego", thinking...and the female____, "ego", thinking.... Let's face it we are different! So men we need to understand that! We need to live with our wives in an understanding way. Guess what that means? We need to learn, we need to study...our wives. What are their needs, wants, desires, likes, dislikes and... Just like us men are different from each other our wives are also different from each other. So we as men need to understand his own wife! 1Peter3:7 "Likewise husbands , live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the women as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered."
Monday, October 24, 2011
The first stunt
What I would like to do is to continue in Gen. 3. Last week we talked about our wives being a blessing...suitable, using Gen 2:18-24. In this section we have the temptation to eat "The Apple". Some even refer to it as the fall of man. Gen.3:1-5. "Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the women, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden?" The women said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'" The serpent said to the women, "You surely shall not die! "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
Alright guys I know that this section is about Eve, but there is a lesson here for us also. Have you ever trusted someone or even something only to be hurt...disappointed...? A friend says they will do something...they forget or fail. You buy something that was to do this and that...and guess what it doesn't. Have you ever trusted advise that was just bad? Now with some of these things there could be some let's say innocence. That is that friend tried his best...But there is those that are just misleading or things that are also misleading. Now there is a word mentioned in verse 5 that we need to recognize, "crafty". Words that help us understand this are skillful, clever, cunning, guileful, trickery and deceitful. Did you catch that last word. One must remember that this serpent was deceitful but he also was clever, skillful...
Here is where Satan does his first recorded "stunt" to mankind. That is to take what is true and to twist it. To miss quote it, of what was said or written. To put a new meaning on what was written or to cast doubt on what was written. He is trying to get you/me to believe him! Trying to get us from believing the real truth of the bible, of God, of Jesus Christ. Recognize the deceit and don't believe the lie. If it does not line up with God's word, the bible; then question it...
Alright guys I know that this section is about Eve, but there is a lesson here for us also. Have you ever trusted someone or even something only to be hurt...disappointed...? A friend says they will do something...they forget or fail. You buy something that was to do this and that...and guess what it doesn't. Have you ever trusted advise that was just bad? Now with some of these things there could be some let's say innocence. That is that friend tried his best...But there is those that are just misleading or things that are also misleading. Now there is a word mentioned in verse 5 that we need to recognize, "crafty". Words that help us understand this are skillful, clever, cunning, guileful, trickery and deceitful. Did you catch that last word. One must remember that this serpent was deceitful but he also was clever, skillful...
Here is where Satan does his first recorded "stunt" to mankind. That is to take what is true and to twist it. To miss quote it, of what was said or written. To put a new meaning on what was written or to cast doubt on what was written. He is trying to get you/me to believe him! Trying to get us from believing the real truth of the bible, of God, of Jesus Christ. Recognize the deceit and don't believe the lie. If it does not line up with God's word, the bible; then question it...
Monday, October 17, 2011
As men what are some of the things we struggle with? What do we need encouragement in? None of us are without our struggles. Some struggle with this and some with that. One might think that one thing is a struggle, while someone else might think it is not. Another way to put it is what temptations are tempting you...or even what should you be doing, that you have a hard time doing.
In Gen. 2:18"Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone', I will make a helper suitable for him." Now this devotional will be more directed toward the married men, but it is also important for you unmarried to learn for maybe the future. As men here is the first need(physical)... that is mentioned in the bible. One side note, I understand not everyone needs to get married...The Apostle Paul addresses this in 1Cor.7:25-38. It is not good for man to be alone. Isn't that true? Think about it. Being alone not talking to anyone, no texting...Talking to oneself...not good! Verses 19-20 are about God forming every beast of the field and bird of the sky...and bringing them before Adam to be named. And verse 20 ends saying this, "but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him."
God made a bunch of animals...and guess what? They did not fill the need that Adam had. Have you ever heard that a dog is man's best friend? What a lie. But sometimes animals seem to take the place of that need man has. But guess what, it doesn't. So Adam has this need, it isn't satisfied with animals so God formed or made women. Verses 21-23. Now guys I'm going to cut this short. Do you realize that your wife is a gift of God? That she is suitable for you? That she is the helper you needed? That God made her special for you? So many times we miss how blessed of God we are that He gave us our wives, how special they are as a person. A person that we get to share life talk with, laugh with, play with...they are not only there to take care of the home...Oh they are so much more. So men, when was the last time you did something special for your wife? To show her that you love you lift her up(praise her)...
In Gen. 2:18"Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone', I will make a helper suitable for him." Now this devotional will be more directed toward the married men, but it is also important for you unmarried to learn for maybe the future. As men here is the first need(physical)... that is mentioned in the bible. One side note, I understand not everyone needs to get married...The Apostle Paul addresses this in 1Cor.7:25-38. It is not good for man to be alone. Isn't that true? Think about it. Being alone not talking to anyone, no texting...Talking to oneself...not good! Verses 19-20 are about God forming every beast of the field and bird of the sky...and bringing them before Adam to be named. And verse 20 ends saying this, "but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him."
God made a bunch of animals...and guess what? They did not fill the need that Adam had. Have you ever heard that a dog is man's best friend? What a lie. But sometimes animals seem to take the place of that need man has. But guess what, it doesn't. So Adam has this need, it isn't satisfied with animals so God formed or made women. Verses 21-23. Now guys I'm going to cut this short. Do you realize that your wife is a gift of God? That she is suitable for you? That she is the helper you needed? That God made her special for you? So many times we miss how blessed of God we are that He gave us our wives, how special they are as a person. A person that we get to share life talk with, laugh with, play with...they are not only there to take care of the home...Oh they are so much more. So men, when was the last time you did something special for your wife? To show her that you love you lift her up(praise her)...
Monday, October 10, 2011
A guide
What a stretch of nice weather! Summer still lingers on for a little while but fall and winter are on the way! For where we live it is easy to notice the change of seasons. All we have to do is look at the trees; what a little while the trees will be without leaves, flowers also giving way for the colder season and birds will be going south. All this gives us signs of winter coming.
In life we have many signs that help us. Signs for what road we are on, signs telling us to slow down, signs that indicate danger, signs showing us where things are...but in life you will not see signs telling you how to most of life's decisions. In fact some signs may not be wise to follow. Also some advise may not always be wise to follow. So how do we know what will help us in our Christian walk? Well we have the "book", the bible. Have you ever heard it as a road map? You see the bible gives us the foundation of how to live...Yes there are a lot of do's and don'ts. Some may say I'm being legalistic...but obeying God's word is the right way to go.
As I was thinking of this, is it that bad to follow God's word in the acceptable things. That is what our nation...sees as right. For instance thou shall not steal. Yes, we should obey that! Retail stores agree with this ...but even that basic biblical principle comes under fire... sometimes.
As believers we need to read God's word. We need to believe it is true, right...that it will guide us as we go through life. There is a lot of bad advice out there and even just bad ways of doing things that seems acceptable. One needs to read God's word to help us filter through all the signs, advice...that are telling us how to walk. So that we can walk the right way, God's way. We here of this verse often, we sing songs about this verse, do we believe what this verse says? Do we do what it implies? Ps 119:105 "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
In life we have many signs that help us. Signs for what road we are on, signs telling us to slow down, signs that indicate danger, signs showing us where things are...but in life you will not see signs telling you how to most of life's decisions. In fact some signs may not be wise to follow. Also some advise may not always be wise to follow. So how do we know what will help us in our Christian walk? Well we have the "book", the bible. Have you ever heard it as a road map? You see the bible gives us the foundation of how to live...Yes there are a lot of do's and don'ts. Some may say I'm being legalistic...but obeying God's word is the right way to go.
As I was thinking of this, is it that bad to follow God's word in the acceptable things. That is what our nation...sees as right. For instance thou shall not steal. Yes, we should obey that! Retail stores agree with this ...but even that basic biblical principle comes under fire... sometimes.
As believers we need to read God's word. We need to believe it is true, right...that it will guide us as we go through life. There is a lot of bad advice out there and even just bad ways of doing things that seems acceptable. One needs to read God's word to help us filter through all the signs, advice...that are telling us how to walk. So that we can walk the right way, God's way. We here of this verse often, we sing songs about this verse, do we believe what this verse says? Do we do what it implies? Ps 119:105 "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
Monday, October 3, 2011
Wrap up
As we wrap up our series on the prodigal son, I will make some comments...First let us go back to the beginning. By this I mean, let us talk about why this parable was told by our Lord Jesus. We did not go over this in our study yet. To answer this question we need to go back to the beginning of Luke 15:1-3 "Now all the tax collectors and sinners were coming near to Him to listen to Him. Both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble, saying, "This man receives sinners and eats with them." So He told them this parable, saying." If we read all the way down to the end of the chapter it seems that He told them three parables in a row.
As with the parable of the prodigal son, there are three groups of people. The first being tax collectors and sinners, the second being Jesus and the third being the Pharisees and scribes. Each of these three groups are represented in our parable. The tax collectors and sinners are represented by the younger son. Jesus is represented by the Father. The Pharisees and scribes are represented by the older son. O.K. this is what I learned from studying different commentaries.
Now isn't it a wonderful thing when sinners, come near to listen to word of God? Yes, it is. Rom. 10:14 "How then will they call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" And even how more wonderful when one comes to his senses, the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. It is wonderful for me, it is wonderful for you and it is going to be wonderful for all sinners that God redeems. Let's face it, how "ugly" were we before salvation, or how "ugly" would we be if Christ didn't reach out to us and saved us? Sin is sin and it is "ugly".
Now as to Jesus and the Father; let's keep it simple God in three persons, but one. As to the Pharisees and scribes, represented by the older son. The two of them grumbled about people coming to Jesus Christ. As we believer's, become older...sometimes we also can grumble about people coming to know Jesus...You see it is easy for us to forget we were saved by grace...that the mercy of God reached down...Saved us from our "ugly" self. And instead we start to look for prove ones acceptance into the kingdom of God. We even do that to ourselves...but works don't save, works don't even keep you in the kingdom of God, only the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ can do that. Now faith without works does come into play...
We looked at this parable in a different way, trying to understand each character, and to see if we can identify with each. We all were like the younger son and even now sometimes we still act like him in areas of our life or in our Christian walk. Now we also can identify with the older son, works, devotion...and maybe even scorning the work of our Lord Jesus in calling sinners to Himself. Now as the father can we also be loving, forgiving...showing mercy...when we see the so called "ugly" of people. Telling of the good news... Being excited about people hearing the good news... Let's be real hear, the "ugly" shows up a lot; not just in others but even in ourselves. We need the love of the Father forever! We need to be also showing the love of the Father as we go through our life. You see the Christian life starts from being "ugly" without believing...on Jesus, God. Now that "ugly" starts to change; but it still shows up. We need to confess, our "ugly" just like we did at the beginning of our Christian walk. Just as we want Jesus to forgive us of our "ugly" so also let us be willing to forgive others of their "ugly". It's a life time thing!
As with the parable of the prodigal son, there are three groups of people. The first being tax collectors and sinners, the second being Jesus and the third being the Pharisees and scribes. Each of these three groups are represented in our parable. The tax collectors and sinners are represented by the younger son. Jesus is represented by the Father. The Pharisees and scribes are represented by the older son. O.K. this is what I learned from studying different commentaries.
Now isn't it a wonderful thing when sinners, come near to listen to word of God? Yes, it is. Rom. 10:14 "How then will they call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" And even how more wonderful when one comes to his senses, the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. It is wonderful for me, it is wonderful for you and it is going to be wonderful for all sinners that God redeems. Let's face it, how "ugly" were we before salvation, or how "ugly" would we be if Christ didn't reach out to us and saved us? Sin is sin and it is "ugly".
Now as to Jesus and the Father; let's keep it simple God in three persons, but one. As to the Pharisees and scribes, represented by the older son. The two of them grumbled about people coming to Jesus Christ. As we believer's, become older...sometimes we also can grumble about people coming to know Jesus...You see it is easy for us to forget we were saved by grace...that the mercy of God reached down...Saved us from our "ugly" self. And instead we start to look for prove ones acceptance into the kingdom of God. We even do that to ourselves...but works don't save, works don't even keep you in the kingdom of God, only the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ can do that. Now faith without works does come into play...
We looked at this parable in a different way, trying to understand each character, and to see if we can identify with each. We all were like the younger son and even now sometimes we still act like him in areas of our life or in our Christian walk. Now we also can identify with the older son, works, devotion...and maybe even scorning the work of our Lord Jesus in calling sinners to Himself. Now as the father can we also be loving, forgiving...showing mercy...when we see the so called "ugly" of people. Telling of the good news... Being excited about people hearing the good news... Let's be real hear, the "ugly" shows up a lot; not just in others but even in ourselves. We need the love of the Father forever! We need to be also showing the love of the Father as we go through our life. You see the Christian life starts from being "ugly" without believing...on Jesus, God. Now that "ugly" starts to change; but it still shows up. We need to confess, our "ugly" just like we did at the beginning of our Christian walk. Just as we want Jesus to forgive us of our "ugly" so also let us be willing to forgive others of their "ugly". It's a life time thing!
Monday, September 26, 2011
The anger thing
"But he became very angry..." Luke 15:28a. So he we have it, the older son became very angry. Now guys this is going to be a hard devotional for us. It is not easy to talk about anger. It is not easy for us to recognize anger in our selves. It is not easy to admit we have anger when we are told. I could make it easier on us if I was to limit our talk to when we are "very angry", that is when we are very bad or fly off the handle...but even a little anger, or moderate anger if you will, for the most part is not good.
For our study we will see what caused this anger in the older son. That is that the father was celebrating the return of his "Lost son". Read the response of the son in verses 29b-30, "yet you have never given me a goat, so that I might celebrate with my friends." It seems that the older son is showing signs of jealousy and or envy. Maybe bitterness from earlier. Last week we talked about deserves, that is when God gives to someone even if they do not deserve it...Well let's face it sometimes we get angry when that happens. Someone is given a raise or a promotion...and we/ you get angry. Someone receives a gift...that you believe you should have been given...We in our minds think that so and so doesn't deserve..., I am better than they are...what makes them more special...why did they get...and not me...Or even why did they and not someone you think maybe more deserving...Someone wins something...or someone wins a competition...we sometimes get angry. Do you understand what we are talking about? Do you know what we are talking about? It is so easy to become angry over the littlest of things and situations...and not to realize it. That is to become jealous or envious, and to have anger creep in. Let me throw in one more word that is a part or closely involved with this anger, bitterness. Now these two things/emotions are not good, they both clouds one vision/thinking...We need to deal with them...and it is not easy sometimes. For me it's hard most of the time. So many times we let anger creep in and do it's us. As with this older son because of jealousy and or envy, anger set in and took control. Yes, did you notice that, that anger can take control and cloud our thinking... With that let us guard our hearts, against having anger...replace it with love, mercy, grace...
For our study we will see what caused this anger in the older son. That is that the father was celebrating the return of his "Lost son". Read the response of the son in verses 29b-30, "yet you have never given me a goat, so that I might celebrate with my friends." It seems that the older son is showing signs of jealousy and or envy. Maybe bitterness from earlier. Last week we talked about deserves, that is when God gives to someone even if they do not deserve it...Well let's face it sometimes we get angry when that happens. Someone is given a raise or a promotion...and we/ you get angry. Someone receives a gift...that you believe you should have been given...We in our minds think that so and so doesn't deserve..., I am better than they are...what makes them more special...why did they get...and not me...Or even why did they and not someone you think maybe more deserving...Someone wins something...or someone wins a competition...we sometimes get angry. Do you understand what we are talking about? Do you know what we are talking about? It is so easy to become angry over the littlest of things and situations...and not to realize it. That is to become jealous or envious, and to have anger creep in. Let me throw in one more word that is a part or closely involved with this anger, bitterness. Now these two things/emotions are not good, they both clouds one vision/thinking...We need to deal with them...and it is not easy sometimes. For me it's hard most of the time. So many times we let anger creep in and do it's us. As with this older son because of jealousy and or envy, anger set in and took control. Yes, did you notice that, that anger can take control and cloud our thinking... With that let us guard our hearts, against having anger...replace it with love, mercy, grace...
Monday, September 19, 2011
As we continue in our study of this parable , we return or come to the character of the older son. Luke 15:25-27 "Now his older son was in the field, and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing. And he summoned one of the servants and began inquiring what these things could be. And he said to him, 'Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has received him back safe and sound.'
As we continue on in our study we will be touching on some deep and hard topics. But this group of verses, also need to be addressed. For as we gotten to know the character of the younger son and the father, we also will try to understand the character of the older son. Now the older son, seems to be a hard worker and a good worker. A worker who looks after the interest of his father. By way of being in the field...and it seems working to it was time to quit, or to the end of his shift...he was not lazy. Even after receiving his inheritance this son stayed with the father. Not only that it seems that he also took or kept his place under the father. That is that his father was still in charge of the family...Even though this son also received his inheritance, it seems that he waited until it was time or the proper time to receive the inheritance. It also seems that this son was very obedient to the father. Skip down to verse 29b "Look! For so many years I have been serving you and I have never neglected a command of yours;"
So last week we ended with being able to celebrate when we see God doing mighty works...Yes, we need to do that! But if you are like me, well sometimes I don't want or don't feel like celebrating. You see works, get in the way. Just like Martha, works get in the way. I'm not just talking about working, it seems that the longevity of living a Christian life (obedience) may also get in the way too. That when God choices to work in someone, do something for someone and...we have a hard time with it, don't believe it...we don't recognize it...we have doubts...We even may think that, that person doesn't deserve it...
But think about it what do we deserve from God? Our sin...deserves death. But God in His mercy saved us, by grace you have been saved. And His mercy...continues on as we live the Christian life. So when He works in someone, for someone...or gives to doesn't mean that they have to work for it, or that they worked for it, or that they deserve it... sometimes God just gives. Sometimes God just blesses because of His great love! Read Matt. 20 'the parable of labors in the vineyard." Verse 15 "Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with what is my own? Or is your eye envious because I am generous?" So give thanks when God is working...when He is working in you or others celebrate!
As we continue on in our study we will be touching on some deep and hard topics. But this group of verses, also need to be addressed. For as we gotten to know the character of the younger son and the father, we also will try to understand the character of the older son. Now the older son, seems to be a hard worker and a good worker. A worker who looks after the interest of his father. By way of being in the field...and it seems working to it was time to quit, or to the end of his shift...he was not lazy. Even after receiving his inheritance this son stayed with the father. Not only that it seems that he also took or kept his place under the father. That is that his father was still in charge of the family...Even though this son also received his inheritance, it seems that he waited until it was time or the proper time to receive the inheritance. It also seems that this son was very obedient to the father. Skip down to verse 29b "Look! For so many years I have been serving you and I have never neglected a command of yours;"
So last week we ended with being able to celebrate when we see God doing mighty works...Yes, we need to do that! But if you are like me, well sometimes I don't want or don't feel like celebrating. You see works, get in the way. Just like Martha, works get in the way. I'm not just talking about working, it seems that the longevity of living a Christian life (obedience) may also get in the way too. That when God choices to work in someone, do something for someone and...we have a hard time with it, don't believe it...we don't recognize it...we have doubts...We even may think that, that person doesn't deserve it...
But think about it what do we deserve from God? Our sin...deserves death. But God in His mercy saved us, by grace you have been saved. And His mercy...continues on as we live the Christian life. So when He works in someone, for someone...or gives to doesn't mean that they have to work for it, or that they worked for it, or that they deserve it... sometimes God just gives. Sometimes God just blesses because of His great love! Read Matt. 20 'the parable of labors in the vineyard." Verse 15 "Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with what is my own? Or is your eye envious because I am generous?" So give thanks when God is working...when He is working in you or others celebrate!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
As I continue with this blog postings, sometimes it would be of help, that I can have some ideas of what to write about. That is maybe a topic that we as men struggle with...not to say that I'm an authority...but maybe we can look at the word of God to help us with our be encouraged to live our lives as our God and Lord Jesus will have us live. Hopefully I will hear from some of you soon. Thanks Peter Dee
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