Were you aware? Did you not recognize? Well let me tell you, I was not aware or did I recognize. What am I talking about? I’m talking about our enemy or enemies, Satan and His demons. Even though we can’t see them, they are there. In 1 Peter 5:8 the apostle Peter tell us about our enemy, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” Yes, we have an adversary (enemy) and yes the devil is real. Yes, He is at work, He is prowling around like a roaring lion. You see he is on the prowl, he sees you, he sees me! He’s roaring, confusing us and getting us disoriented. He has us looking around in the wrong direction getting us so we are alone. So we are helpless, wore out, defeated and then He tries for the kill.
If I remember correctly lions work like this. They spot there pray, then they start to surround him, then starts the lion roaring. The roaring is to trick you to run toward the waiting other lions. Isn’t it so true we start believing the roar and our thinking goes and then the next thing we are running closer to the trap. Oh by the way those lions surrounding are lionesses. Had to say that because of our study, now don’t take it out of context and read into or think all kinds of things. Oh how easy it is to run toward the trap. Instead of taking a step back or pausing to think. To think and to start running back to Jesus. If we continue to read in 1 Peter 5:10 “After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” Well when the attacks come it might hurt, might hurt? It hurts; but God will do those 4 things. By the way in verse 9 “resist him”, resist the devil. For us that means to keep on doing the things for our wives that we learned and more; doing righteousness. Now that more would be that studying of our wives; to learn here likes….and doing things to meet those needs and likes. That is the next part of our dare. To take it to next level for our Lord and our wives. To learn more about her; her likes, interests, …. Also being alert, sober-minded will be our next area in our spiritual side of loving our wives, the spiritual battle. We need to be aware when the attack comes, alert. Recognizing it when it starts, not after the battle begun and the damage is started…and the wounds are hurting. Sober minded, not only not addicted to things, but also not being hurried, taking the time to think. Boy doesn’t that hit me hard, I’m the just the doing type- jump right in and go. So let’s all of us continue the good fight.
staystrong standstrong bestrong staystrong2 standing strong spiritual warfare fighting the battle Psalm 23
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Prayer a very important part of a Christians life. To be able to go before the Almighty God with our requests, concerns, troubles, and also to uplift people…and with all kinds of other things. The last few weeks we as men have had the privilege to bring before the Father our wives. If we really think about it, how awesome is that! We started out with just to begin to pray; then we took more time to pray. By asking God, what to pray for our wives. You see this might seem foolish to some; but it is a very important part of prayer. We go before the Father, because we need His help….so we go before Him for His wisdom; wisdom to pray for our wives. Thanks be to God that He welcomes our requests.
Now in the “Love Dare” book the dares turn to an inward, so called, toward us as men. The first part of this would be to look inside of our selves to see if we are Christians and/or following God. Did we take the steps of receiving Jesus as our savior…Without Him we are not able to love, we don’t know how to love. We might think we know, but if we really stop and think about it; we lack in the area of true love and what it means. So this next dare is for us as men to draw nearer to God. To get into His word….more. To listen to Him, wait on Him, follow Him…To let Him teach us how to love our wives…So many times we fall into that “trap”, she does something then I do in return or we do something and we expect something in return. Rather just being happy to do for our wives, repeatedly, because we love her. Now here’s the new question, how has it been the last few weeks doing these dares? Hard, unnoticed, not good enough, hit or miss……Now let’s try a different approach, by asking our Lord to help us to do these for our wives, and doing it not only for her pleasure, but also for the joy of our Lord, Jesus. His good pleasure! Let’s face it, we need His help.
1John4:7 “Let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.”
Proverbs 3:13 “How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.”
Now in the “Love Dare” book the dares turn to an inward, so called, toward us as men. The first part of this would be to look inside of our selves to see if we are Christians and/or following God. Did we take the steps of receiving Jesus as our savior…Without Him we are not able to love, we don’t know how to love. We might think we know, but if we really stop and think about it; we lack in the area of true love and what it means. So this next dare is for us as men to draw nearer to God. To get into His word….more. To listen to Him, wait on Him, follow Him…To let Him teach us how to love our wives…So many times we fall into that “trap”, she does something then I do in return or we do something and we expect something in return. Rather just being happy to do for our wives, repeatedly, because we love her. Now here’s the new question, how has it been the last few weeks doing these dares? Hard, unnoticed, not good enough, hit or miss……Now let’s try a different approach, by asking our Lord to help us to do these for our wives, and doing it not only for her pleasure, but also for the joy of our Lord, Jesus. His good pleasure! Let’s face it, we need His help.
1John4:7 “Let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.”
Proverbs 3:13 “How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.”
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
O.K. sometimes things seem not to go right! You do the thing….the good deed….and nothing or very little. Even sometimes it is hit or miss if it ever gets noticed. Even sometimes it may seem that things might have gotten a little worst….We start to think why bother? Does she really love me? What am I doing wrong…..all sort of stuff. But the key is to keep on doing! Remember in the movie that Caleb came to a point where he kept on doing; even when he faced all that terrible stuff…from his wife. Remember the scene when Katherine found the book and she asked Caleb what day he was on? I wonder what she thought when she realized he been doing this for over 40 days ands she really didn’t notice in the right way. But look at our selves how many times have we not noticed the things done for us.
Now so far our dares have been dealing with the so called physical side of life. The next set of dares will have to do with the spiritual side. We hope that you will continue with the previous 6 dares. Yah even if you didn’t get that good response or feeling…how do I know that those things happen? Well remember I’m just a man like you and my wife is just a girl like your wife and guess what; were not perfect…just like you. The next dares will have to do with prayer. The first would be to pray for your wife. Would like this to be daily, but I know some might need to just start slowly…What we are going to do is just to pray for our wives day. That is to pray that she could have a good day and some of her needs of the day. Now the second will be to ask God what does He want me to pray for my wife…The things us men don’t seem to notice and what if any does He want us to do for our wives. Now that will take a little more time than the quick 30 second prayer. It might be that through out the day you bring it before the father! Part of that pray without ceasing thing. Now the key is to start praying, even if it is only a one liner. Just start!
Now so far our dares have been dealing with the so called physical side of life. The next set of dares will have to do with the spiritual side. We hope that you will continue with the previous 6 dares. Yah even if you didn’t get that good response or feeling…how do I know that those things happen? Well remember I’m just a man like you and my wife is just a girl like your wife and guess what; were not perfect…just like you. The next dares will have to do with prayer. The first would be to pray for your wife. Would like this to be daily, but I know some might need to just start slowly…What we are going to do is just to pray for our wives day. That is to pray that she could have a good day and some of her needs of the day. Now the second will be to ask God what does He want me to pray for my wife…The things us men don’t seem to notice and what if any does He want us to do for our wives. Now that will take a little more time than the quick 30 second prayer. It might be that through out the day you bring it before the father! Part of that pray without ceasing thing. Now the key is to start praying, even if it is only a one liner. Just start!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Can you believe it; I made a mistake. Should have said we would have 3 weeks to do those 2 dares. So here is the big question; did you do them? Now to an even bigger question; did you do them more than once…these past 3 weeks. So hopefully you have done these dares the last few weeks. It does take some work and thought. Now the next dare will take a little more work, time, thought and resources. As with the others it to will be a combination of 2 dares from the book. The first would be to yield to your spouses wishes. An example would be to go where she would like to go, have for supper what she would like to have….You see some times we get in a rut of not allowing our love ones to be them selves, because we don’t want to do or like….what they want to do or like. To love someone is to be interested in the things they are interested in. Now here are some suggestions; movies, shopping, points of interest(vacation…)food…
Now the second part of the dare has to do with the way we act. Sometimes as the days, weeks and years go by we get into a familiar type of rut. “Good morning dear, good morning honey”, we start saying in that monotone voice. We just lost the spark we had in our actions toward our wives. So this week spice up the way you greet your wife. Put that smile back on, that quick step as you walk into the house….remember this is the girl who took your breathe away. Have you ever came home from work and did this type of thing? Honey I’m home…..”What’s for supper?” and we do that day in and day out. Now let’s spice up our greetings through out the day.
Eph.5:28 “So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies, He who loves his wife loves himself;”
Now the second part of the dare has to do with the way we act. Sometimes as the days, weeks and years go by we get into a familiar type of rut. “Good morning dear, good morning honey”, we start saying in that monotone voice. We just lost the spark we had in our actions toward our wives. So this week spice up the way you greet your wife. Put that smile back on, that quick step as you walk into the house….remember this is the girl who took your breathe away. Have you ever came home from work and did this type of thing? Honey I’m home…..”What’s for supper?” and we do that day in and day out. Now let’s spice up our greetings through out the day.
Eph.5:28 “So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies, He who loves his wife loves himself;”
Saturday, July 31, 2010
How did we do last week? Was it hard? So last week we started to work on our summer series, how to love better (using the “Love Dare”). The dare had to do with our speech and had two aspects. The first with holding our tongue, no negative talking… The second to say something positive, encouraging talking. Really how did you do? Did you do it just once to say you did it? Or did you try to practice it more and more. Now in James1:19 it says, “be quick to hear, slow to speak”, we need to think about what we say. A key to this would be quick to hear. So this next week we also will be doing the same as last week, our tongue, and adding the next dare.
Now the next dare will have to do with your hands. O.K. this will be a 2 week devotional to help us with the time factor that seems to get in our way. This dare is a combination of 2 dares. The first would be to buy your spouse (mother..) something to say I was thinking of you… The second will be to do something for your spouse out of the ordinary, wash dishes, clean…something that you need to use your hands. To come along side of our spouses during the day. Helping our help mate! Why do we do these things? Because of love. The verse, Romans 5:8 “ God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
The dares have to do with our mouths and hands; but another very important part is our mind. We need to think about doing these acts that show love. So we think then we do and do.
Now the next dare will have to do with your hands. O.K. this will be a 2 week devotional to help us with the time factor that seems to get in our way. This dare is a combination of 2 dares. The first would be to buy your spouse (mother..) something to say I was thinking of you… The second will be to do something for your spouse out of the ordinary, wash dishes, clean…something that you need to use your hands. To come along side of our spouses during the day. Helping our help mate! Why do we do these things? Because of love. The verse, Romans 5:8 “ God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
The dares have to do with our mouths and hands; but another very important part is our mind. We need to think about doing these acts that show love. So we think then we do and do.
Monday, July 26, 2010
How did we do last week? Was it hard? So last week we started to work on our summer series, how to love better (using the “Love Dare”). The dare had to do with our speech and had two aspects. The first with holding our tongue, no negative talking… The second to say something positive, encouraging talking. Really how did you do? Did you do it just once to say you did it? Or did you try to practice it more and more. Now in James1:19 it says, “be quick to hear, slow to speak”, we need to think about what we say. A key to this would be quick to hear. So this next week we also will be doing the same as last week, our tongue, and adding the next dare.
Now the next dare will have to do with your hands. O.K. this will be a 2 week devotional to help us with the time factor that seems to get in our way. This dare is a combination of 2 dares. The first would be to buy your spouse (mother..) something to say I was thinking of you… The second will be to do something for your spouse out of the ordinary, wash dishes, clean…something that you need to use your hands. To come along side of our spouses during the day. Helping our help mate! Why do we do these things? Because of love. The verse, Romans 5:8 “ God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
The dares have to do with our mouths and hands; but another very important part is our mind. We need to think about doing these acts that show love. So we think then we do and do.
Now the next dare will have to do with your hands. O.K. this will be a 2 week devotional to help us with the time factor that seems to get in our way. This dare is a combination of 2 dares. The first would be to buy your spouse (mother..) something to say I was thinking of you… The second will be to do something for your spouse out of the ordinary, wash dishes, clean…something that you need to use your hands. To come along side of our spouses during the day. Helping our help mate! Why do we do these things? Because of love. The verse, Romans 5:8 “ God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
The dares have to do with our mouths and hands; but another very important part is our mind. We need to think about doing these acts that show love. So we think then we do and do.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Well a few weeks ago I thought summer was here; the last few days, who knows what happened. So what direction will our devotional take for the summer? Well came up with an idea to use a resource that directs us men to love our wives more. So for the next few weeks we will be presenting ways for us to love our wives. Now if you are not married you still can do this; only we would like you to use your mother, sister, aunt…Now don’t think that doing this is for the marriages that are in trouble….it is good for all marriages. The strong ones, good ones, look warm ones, old ones, new ones and the ones in trouble. Sometimes we get in ruts, doing the same old, day after day; we need new ideas to help us, to spice up our marriage. So the resource that this is coming from is the book “The Love Dare”. We might expand a little on some of the suggestions in the book, also we might present more than one of the dares combining them into one or even giving you a choice of which to do.
Now to the first dare for the week. This dare will be the combination of 2 dares and has to do with our speech. The first is to not speak negatively(defensively) to our wives. The verse is Eph.4:6 “Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.” The second part of the dare is to speak something positively(kind) to our wives, as to comment on her good looks…without expecting her to react, that is not expecting something in return. The verse is Eph.4:32 “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Now guys let’s see if we can make a difference, not just doing it once so we can check off a box; but doing it out of love that we want to change. That we find ourselves doing these things more and more.
Memory Verse Eph.4:32 “ Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiving you.”
Now to the first dare for the week. This dare will be the combination of 2 dares and has to do with our speech. The first is to not speak negatively(defensively) to our wives. The verse is Eph.4:6 “Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.” The second part of the dare is to speak something positively(kind) to our wives, as to comment on her good looks…without expecting her to react, that is not expecting something in return. The verse is Eph.4:32 “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Now guys let’s see if we can make a difference, not just doing it once so we can check off a box; but doing it out of love that we want to change. That we find ourselves doing these things more and more.
Memory Verse Eph.4:32 “ Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiving you.”
Saturday, May 8, 2010
He also commands us to celebrate certain feasts, even the one we Here we are or will be…Sunday morning; Sunday school, and or Sunday worship. Which is good. Not sure how to keep this short so to a the verse.
1Chronicles16:4 “And he appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark of Jehovah, and to celebrate and to thank and praise Jehovah, the God of Israel.” So let’s look at these words, praise-to glorify, exalt…
Thank- to express gratitude, thankful. So far nothing new but the last word, (or the first) celebrate- to honor or mark by ceremonies or festivities. Now this last word is also translated record, commemorate, petition, invoke and offer prayers. A lot of different words here; one word that will help us is, remember. Through out the bible God tells us to remember. Who He is, what He did, what He will do(promises). As we did last Sunday, the Lord’s supper. The words of Jesus, “do this in remembrance of Me.”
So often we forget what God has done, will do, can do and Who He is. So we need to remember and sometimes record what He has done for us personally and corporately. Our God is still working in the present and it is us who need to be reminded of that, that is why it is so important to remember what God is doing now and what He has done and what He will do. To help us to understand this verse just continue reading verses 7-37, seriously take the time this week and read 1Chron.16:4-37.
1Chronicles16:4 “And he appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark of Jehovah, and to celebrate and to thank and praise Jehovah, the God of Israel.” So let’s look at these words, praise-to glorify, exalt…
Thank- to express gratitude, thankful. So far nothing new but the last word, (or the first) celebrate- to honor or mark by ceremonies or festivities. Now this last word is also translated record, commemorate, petition, invoke and offer prayers. A lot of different words here; one word that will help us is, remember. Through out the bible God tells us to remember. Who He is, what He did, what He will do(promises). As we did last Sunday, the Lord’s supper. The words of Jesus, “do this in remembrance of Me.”
So often we forget what God has done, will do, can do and Who He is. So we need to remember and sometimes record what He has done for us personally and corporately. Our God is still working in the present and it is us who need to be reminded of that, that is why it is so important to remember what God is doing now and what He has done and what He will do. To help us to understand this verse just continue reading verses 7-37, seriously take the time this week and read 1Chron.16:4-37.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What do we do, what do we say, where do we go…? These are questions of every day life. So many times I have done things, not thinking or just really not be prepared. Just going and doing! Even some times on a good day, I did think a little bit, then did. You know what,
some times that’s a good thing, but sometimes it still just doesn’t work out and I’m back thinking, “What was I thinking”. Or was I thinking at all. Please tell me that I’m not the only one and not just me and my boys. Well I think that girls might be struggling with the same thing.
As I was reading in the old testament, I became aware of an important principle all Christians should do; also it is affirmed in the new testament. When King David was telling his son Solomon, let’s call it fatherly advice, in 1 Chronicles 22:12 “Only the Lord give thee wisdom and understanding, and give thee charge concerning Israel, that thou mayest keep the law of the Lord thy God.” Wisdom and understanding from the Lord. Now most of us heard, read…about Solomon’s wisdom. But did we recognize where it came from? 2 Chronicles 1:7-12 tell us the story of Solomon’s great wisdom and knowledge. To some it up, God appeared to Solomon, asked him what He (God) can give Solomon. So Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge, which God gives and more.
Now let’s move ahead in time to the year 2010, 40 years ago couldn’t imagine being living in 2010. It was so far off. But here we are, the year 2010 and guess what? We still find ourselves in need of wisdom and knowledge; even for everyday life. So what do we do? O.K. can I be real (up front, honest) when I answer? A lot of times we fall into the ways of the world. There’s things acceptable today that 40 years ago, we would not even think of doing. That it just became part of society as o.k. in their/our thinking. But as believers God’s wisdom and knowledge is the way we should seek. But you ask, How do we seek it? How do we get it? Now the new testament verse, James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” We just need to ask! And ask God!
some times that’s a good thing, but sometimes it still just doesn’t work out and I’m back thinking, “What was I thinking”. Or was I thinking at all. Please tell me that I’m not the only one and not just me and my boys. Well I think that girls might be struggling with the same thing.
As I was reading in the old testament, I became aware of an important principle all Christians should do; also it is affirmed in the new testament. When King David was telling his son Solomon, let’s call it fatherly advice, in 1 Chronicles 22:12 “Only the Lord give thee wisdom and understanding, and give thee charge concerning Israel, that thou mayest keep the law of the Lord thy God.” Wisdom and understanding from the Lord. Now most of us heard, read…about Solomon’s wisdom. But did we recognize where it came from? 2 Chronicles 1:7-12 tell us the story of Solomon’s great wisdom and knowledge. To some it up, God appeared to Solomon, asked him what He (God) can give Solomon. So Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge, which God gives and more.
Now let’s move ahead in time to the year 2010, 40 years ago couldn’t imagine being living in 2010. It was so far off. But here we are, the year 2010 and guess what? We still find ourselves in need of wisdom and knowledge; even for everyday life. So what do we do? O.K. can I be real (up front, honest) when I answer? A lot of times we fall into the ways of the world. There’s things acceptable today that 40 years ago, we would not even think of doing. That it just became part of society as o.k. in their/our thinking. But as believers God’s wisdom and knowledge is the way we should seek. But you ask, How do we seek it? How do we get it? Now the new testament verse, James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” We just need to ask! And ask God!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Easter Sunday
This Sunday will be Easter Sunday! A day of great rejoicing for Christians. A day that a lot of people will think a little bit about God. A day that a lot of people will recognize it as a religious day. A day that some people will recognize it as a special day, maybe a holiday. Also a day that a lot of people will not recognize it as any thing special, it’s just another day what’s the fuss. Yes, there will be more people not going to church this important day than do. And more and more don’t even want to have anything to do with Easter and what it means, other than an easter egg hunt maybe or the giving of easter candy.
Maybe I should’ve wrote this last week, to encourage you to invite friends…to Easter morning services. Let them hear the word of God and the gospel message from Pastor Paul, Pastor Dave, Pastor Joel, Pastor Mac and….Let them hear Christian praise music, that might impact them. Maybe someone will talk to them and show them the way, point them to Jesus and maybe even lead them to following Jesus. After all there is sun rise service, that is special. Then a breakfast now that is special. Then a special service after that and finally the regular service that will also be special. It’s Easter Sunday of course it will be special it’s a land mark day for us as believers.
Now you may think, where is he going from here? Alright 2 things, the first is that we as Christians need to be excited about not only those land mark Christian holidays; but excited about every Sunday. Remember it’s super Sunday! Yes it’s o.k. to look forward to Easter….but not to look at the other Sundays as boring. Each Sunday you have the opportunity to worship our God and King; with fellow believers. To lift His name on high….it’s about worshipping Him.
The second point being that every day we should be a witness of our Lord Jesus Christ. That people should see or know that you are different and have an idea why. That you would feel comfortable inviting them to church or directing to an other church no matter what Sunday it is. That our God can work what ever day it is. It doesn’t have to be this big special service, it can be just a regular service, a bible study, faith group…or just some Christian talking; proclaiming Jesus. After all, God is the one who calls and saves we just share the good news.
Memory verses are the same as last week.
Maybe I should’ve wrote this last week, to encourage you to invite friends…to Easter morning services. Let them hear the word of God and the gospel message from Pastor Paul, Pastor Dave, Pastor Joel, Pastor Mac and….Let them hear Christian praise music, that might impact them. Maybe someone will talk to them and show them the way, point them to Jesus and maybe even lead them to following Jesus. After all there is sun rise service, that is special. Then a breakfast now that is special. Then a special service after that and finally the regular service that will also be special. It’s Easter Sunday of course it will be special it’s a land mark day for us as believers.
Now you may think, where is he going from here? Alright 2 things, the first is that we as Christians need to be excited about not only those land mark Christian holidays; but excited about every Sunday. Remember it’s super Sunday! Yes it’s o.k. to look forward to Easter….but not to look at the other Sundays as boring. Each Sunday you have the opportunity to worship our God and King; with fellow believers. To lift His name on high….it’s about worshipping Him.
The second point being that every day we should be a witness of our Lord Jesus Christ. That people should see or know that you are different and have an idea why. That you would feel comfortable inviting them to church or directing to an other church no matter what Sunday it is. That our God can work what ever day it is. It doesn’t have to be this big special service, it can be just a regular service, a bible study, faith group…or just some Christian talking; proclaiming Jesus. After all, God is the one who calls and saves we just share the good news.
Memory verses are the same as last week.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Well sat. is the men's breakfast event. Earlier was a little nervous about doing this event. Will men come, will God be there, will I stumble over my words...all that stuff and fears. Boy how fear can do it's thing. God be glorified amd do a mighty work.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Who are you following with?
This morning as I was reading in the book of Ruth, I was made more aware of the importance of our walk with our Lord Jesus. As believers we all can answer the question, "Who are you following?", with the answer Jesus. But another important question is who with are you following? Ruth said those famous words, " Where you go. I will go and where you lodge. I will lodge". What devotion to her mother in law. If we were to stop here we would miss the point. The next sentence in the book of Ruth is, "Your people shall be my people. and your God, my God". The point is God. You see Naomi was following God and her people were following God. A principle found in God's word repeatedly and it is still for today. In Phil.3:17 "Brethern, join in following my example, and observe those walk according to the pattern you have in us." It's not that you follow that person or people but that you are following their example as they follow Jesus Christ. Being with god's people your brothers and sisters, your new family. Going to church.....Make the effort.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
O.K. let's try this out. Never bloged before; not even thought what to start to say. So here I go. This is almost a new ministry starting up to encourage men and women in their christian walk. As you can see in our name, stay strong, we are encouraged by God to be strong; to finish the race well. So hopefully we will be a source to help you to stay strong in the Lord Jesus Christ.
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